The Secret Power of Kindness (Paperback)
10 Keys to Unlocking Your Capacity to Change the World
Author Greg Atkinson
SKU: 978-1-953495-71-6
Other Editions
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We live in a world that values kindness but struggles to actually be kind. Despite our “random
acts of kindness” and “pay it forward” moments, we are more divided, isolated, and angry than
What if kindness is more than something we do – what if it’s something we are? If we’re going
to truly harness this answer to the problems in our world, we must look within to find its secret
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In the midst of our broken, polarized, and hurting world, Greg Atkinson reminds us that acts of kindness can be life-changing. Don’t wait for billionaires or politicians to improve society. You can make your world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.

I’m all about positivity, and what I’ve noticed is that positive people tend to be kind, and I think we can all agree we need more kindness in the world. I’m glad Greg shares these ten keys to unlocking kindness in our lives so that together, we can change the world.

Greg Atkinson brings us back to the basics and convicts us of the power of kindness. As we navigate a deeply polarizing time, Greg’s message is practical, timely, and essential.

The Secret Power of Kindness reminds us that we have all we need in a world hungry for good things. Kindness unleashed is a beautiful thing, and I'm grateful Greg has done the good work to remind us of its unparalleled strength.

It is a true and deep kindness to tell the truth. This is what Greg has offered us, and I pray as you read this book, you’ll catch the courage of honest hope.

An invigorating, intelligent, incisive, vibrant exploration of kindness as Urgent Care for today’s decivilizing and dehumanizing world. A kind work itself, Atkinson shows us how to live kindness, spread kindness, and wield kindness to ward off hate, paranoia, and selfishness.

Greg’s new book, The Secret Power of Kindness, is so needed today. Kindness is an essential human quality that allows trust, connection, and genuine exchange to take place. Greg does a beautiful job of opening up the traits of kindness with wisdom and practical insights that will allow your influence to touch the hearts of people for their good.

Intimidating, inspiring, moving, demanding, stimulating, and challenging are among the emotions felt reading Greg’s masterpiece. My reading was to be one of critique, but the power of the words stirred my being, which enlightened my own actions. I could not stop reading. In a world where people seem angry with their neighbor, this work invites the reader to pause and think of hospitality. It is a game changer for “love your neighbor.”

In a world where kindness seems to be diminishing, Greg Atkinson’s The Secret Power of Kindness is a refreshing masterclass of wisdom in how to unlock the power of kindness in your life and relationships. No matter where you are on your kindness journey, Greg’s personal stories and practical suggestions will both inspire and challenge you toward a more wholistically kind life for yourself and others. I highly recommend this book for every human!

The Secret Power of Kindness by Greg Atkinson is a powerful testament to the transformative power of God's love at work in our lives. Greg's personal story of pain and trauma is a testament to the healing power of forgiveness and kindness. Through his own journey of healing, Greg offers practical insights and inspiring examples that demonstrate how the practice of kindness and forgiveness can transform our lives and bring us closer to God. By putting into practice the practical applications of this book, readers will discover the freedom and healing that comes from unlocking their true potential for kindness and healing. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to experience the transformative power of God's love in their lives.

Greg Atkinson vulnerably shares through his own experience how to be free from challenges that can bind us in his book: The Secret Power of Kindness. I've known Greg for many years and have found him to be one who strives to live with gentleness and kindness, especially with those who may not agree with you or who are polarizing. You'll greatly appreciate Greg's heart as he provides some practical ways to navigate the rancorous, political, and religious divide we find ourselves in today's world.

Christianity’s first steps were taken in a world not at all impressed with its theology or doctrine. That same world was entirely impressed and eventually upended by our forebears’ commitment to goodwill and kindness. History is repeating itself. Sensing a change in the climate, Greg has courageously, and yet charmingly, called us to rediscover our witness to Christ through the only virtue that ever changed anything—KINDNESS. The congregation I’m privileged to lead will be reading this book. So should you.

Our hate-filled world is in desperate need of kind people. In The Secret Power of Kindness, Greg Atkinson has written about his own very raw and personal journey out of anger and bitterness to a life of kindness towards others. Instead of offering simplistic clichés, Greg shares real-life practical keys you can implement today to unlock kindness towards others.

Candidly, this is a hard but much-needed book for the church - and our world. It digs up wounds from the first chapter on forgiveness. It forced me to consider some of my own relationships and how I interact with people - even people with whom I may not agree. The world desperately needs a good dose of Christian kindness. I’m praying this book will help spur more of just that.

The Secret Power of Kindness is a top read for anyone looking to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Greg Atkinson mentors us toward finding greater freedom, detoxing hate, and genuinely loving people. In a world of division, this unlocks practical ways to empower the Church to see past circumstances and find a friend in those who may be different, diverse, or walking through great hurt. Greg bares his soul through his story of trauma, mental illness, and leadership hardships while modeling wisdom to live well and lead with kindness. This book will have you reflecting on yourself, so you can better reflect Christ.

This book is an outrageous act of kindness, a gift generously given. I have thought a lot about the marriage of hospitality and leadership, and Greg Atkinson models hospitable leadership in its finest form. Christians must learn to hospitably speak The Truth, and truths if we hope to influence and serve those who most need to hear what we have to say. Greg’s words are prophetic in this regard; the secret is found in a kindness that reflects the heart of God for every human being created in His image. Thank you, Greg, for kindly challenging all of us.

Kindness is in short supply today. Don’t believe me? Just turn on the news or go out in heavy traffic. That is why it is so attractive when we find it. In his new book The Secret Power of Kindness: 10 Keys to Unlocking Your Potential for Good, Greg Atkinson gives us a system to unleash a ‘Kindness Movement,’ not just in the communities where we live but in ourselves also. I want to be a kind person. So do you! Thank you, Greg, for demystifying what it takes to do so.

Greg Atkinson, Founder of the First Impressions Conference, gives us a compelling invitation to “The Power of Kindness” in his new book. It’s not only a clear call to live into the ways of Jesus in how we interact with others, but a practical guidebook to pursuing a life that allows for authentic kindness to be the outflow.

Kindness seems as if it’s a lofty ideal yet unattainable in these chaotic times. Greg Atkinson writes from a place where he could have become bitter and angry, but God, in His Mercy and Grace, took his pain and replaced it with a heart of kindness. And it’s a biblical mandate to “be kind to one another, forgiving one another,” yet it seems foreign to many in and out of the church today. I pray God will inspire leaders reading Greg’s book to make “kindness” a daily practice and commitment.

Greg Atkinson. When I look up the word “kindness” in my pictorial dictionary of English words, why is it I see his picture? Knowing Greg personally and professionally for years, it only seems natural for him to be the guy who writes on the Secret Power of Kindness. That’s who he is ... and that is the integrity with which this book is written. As you move through the pages of these ten facets of kindness - ooh, each one is rich in practicality - slow down. Allow the Spirit of God to speak into you with counsel, wisdom, conviction, and guidance. Enjoy the journey through the pages of this book and allow it to transform the pages of your future from the inside out! And buy a copy for your spouse, boss, and kid’s teacher. The world needs a lot more kindness!

Our world is suffering, and kindness is the antidote. Through his own personal story, Greg Atkinson guides us on a journey to unlocking the Secret Power of Kindness and how it can change the world around us, but most importantly, how it can change each of us. He doesn’t just teach it, he lives it, and we can learn from his example.

Whether you’re scrolling through social media, watching the news, or are out and about running errands, you’ve probably noticed that the world we live in isn’t always kind. And yet, people today are desperate for a kind word, a kind gesture. Our acts of kindness can impact our culture and world in some beautiful ways, which is why I’m thrilled that Greg has tackled this topic in his new book! Friends, let’s choose to be kind to each other. Our acts of kindness can change a life for eternity!

I wish I had written this book — it’s Kindness dynamite! I stopped time and again to pick up pieces of wisdom and courage to change moving forward. Thank you, Greg, for giving us a book that’s both a toolkit overflowing with ways to live kindly, as well as medicine for soul care — for you and all you are shaping.

In a world full of cynics, critics, and skeptics, this book is a refreshing call back to the heart of God. Greg’s 10 Keys are just that - practical handles on how to change our world, which will, in turn, change the world around us. His vulnerability and candor are inspiring. I’m better because of The Secret Power of Kindness!

Occasionally, a book emerges as a game-changer, and Greg Atkinson's The Secret Power of Kindness is one such book! With poignant personal anecdotes and practical tools, this book encourages readers to nurture self-compassion, explore forgiveness as a healing technique, and embrace the transformative power of kindness towards oneself and others. Greg's candid and brave story of his own path to forgiveness and healing will leave you feeling motivated and empowered. For anyone who has grappled with the persistent effects of trauma, as I have, and is searching for a sympathetic and empowering guide on the journey to recovery and wholeness, this is a must-read.

Timely! In a world that is at times so angry and bitter, kindness bridges all divides. This is the book we didn't know we needed! People all around us are in desperate need of kindness. Greg Atkinson bravely shares his own journey of trauma, loss, forgiveness, and the freeing power of kindness. "It is (God's) kindness that leads us to repentance." Romans 2:4. Greg clearly presents kindness as the key to unlocking every prison and experiencing the freedom and joy found only in knowing Jesus. I one hundred percent recommend this book. Make it your next read!

Greg reminds us that we’ve allowed some fences to form around us that can block the full potential of our kindness. He gets vulnerable and shares some of his painful story as he gives us tools to unlock our fences and tap into forgiveness, healing, and generosity. My heart resonates with Greg’s passion for first impressions and loving our neighbors. This is the perfect book for our current culture which desperately needs a movement of kindness. It can save lives!

I'm sure that there must be books out there devoted exclusively to the topic of kindness, but I've never run across one. What I find interesting is that out of all the topics Greg could have chosen to write about, especially since his field of expertise is broad, he chose Kindness. We live in an unkind world, and I'm sad to say, populated by many unkind Christians. The Secret Power of Kindness could easily be used as a curriculum for small groups or a sermon series for pastors.

This phenomenal resource couldn’t have been timelier! In a day and age where kindness, civility, and authentic care and concern has been at an all-time low, Greg offers the much-needed remedy for what ails so many churches today. Borne out of his own personal journey and transparency, Greg has placed the often-overlooked concept of this vital fruit of the Spirit directly in the spotlight it deserves. From forgiveness to empathy, “The Secret Power of Kindness” compassionately and practically helps readers to unlock the power of latent kindness in order to reflect the love and true witness of Christ.

Kindness is so needed in today's world, and I'm so glad my friend, Greg Atkinson, is encouraging kind living in his new book. Greg is just the guy to do this. I encourage you to read this with an open heart and open hands.

In a world that is more than ever divided by bitterness, divisiveness, and open hate for the ‘other side,’ Greg’s book about the massively underrated superpower of Kindness is one that needs to not just be heard but shared far and wide. Through candidly sharing his own story of abuse and trauma, Greg shares the keys to unlocking kindness, which can unleash a movement with the redemptive potential to change the world. I want to be part of that!

The vulnerability Greg brings to start this conversation, and I hope trend, sets the tone of what it means to be kind. This is a book you’ll find yourself nodding in agreement with, pausing to let it reach into you, and turning the page to change. I believe this could be one of those books that lead us to live differently, not just to others, but (spoiler alert) in our kindness to OURSELVES.

I met Greg summer of 2017 when he offered to meet with me and explore collaborating together. He was so gracious with his knowledge and even insisted on paying for my meal. That makes an impression of true kindness and generosity, which he so eloquently covers in this book. Since then, we've stayed in touch, I spoke at his conference, and he's a guest on my Infinitely More podcast. By Greg sharing his story and passion for starting a movement of kindness in the Church, I pray you'll be encouraged too and read with an open heart. I'm so glad I did.

Through our many years of friendship and through pastoring Greg, he and I have shared in the highest mountain tops and in the lowest valleys. Like many of us, Greg has faced challenges and joys. It has been a great privilege watching him anchor himself in God’s kindness as he pushes forward. In this book, I am thankful that Greg has shared a few of his trials with us and has explained how these trials have helped develop his heart into a heart of kindness.

I first met Greg when I was a college student, and he came to speak at my school. I remember he had a personal goal to meet with at least one pastor a day. I wasn’t a pastor then, but a 19-year-old student. Greg spent the entire day after he spoke with my friends and me, taking us to dinner and a movie. The time and energy he invested in me made a huge difference in my leadership, and I know there are hundreds of other pastors who can say the same thing.

This inspiring book challenges and encourages readers to cultivate kindness in their daily lives, based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Greg's stories are relatable and heart-changing.

In a culture obsessed with finding clever life hacks to ease the burdens of our day-in and day-out activities, we are often dismayed when discovering that the most potent ingredients that make us live above board are not grandiose but in the repetitive and tactile distributions of a virtue…a virtue that my friend Greg so aptly exposes in his new book The Secret Power of Kindness. In it, he gives readers ten ways to raise their capacity and, ultimately, their perception. Cause let’s be honest- we all want to be a hero in a story. Quite marvelously, Greg lets us know that kindness is the metaphorical cape of every hero and because it’s free, we can all have our own unique superpower.

Throughout history, we have seen global movements that have altered culture as we know it. The kind of movement we need for this cultural moment is a kindness movement. Greg Atkinson rings the bell by calling us to an alternative way of living that society isn’t offering - a way of living unlocked by the grace and loving kindness of God. Read this book, buy it for a friend, and let’s see a kindness movement unleashed.

Greg Atkinson's masterwork is a beacon of hope and wisdom in a world often too unkind. The Secret Power of Kindness illuminates the path to understanding, acceptance, and genuine kindness - to oneself and to others. Atkinson's metaphoric use of the locked gate and the pond is brilliant, depicting our inner battles and the means of achieving inner peace. This book is not just about kindness; it's a guide on how to nurture the secret power of love within us, a power that is often locked away, unacknowledged, or forgotten.
In his honest and heartwarming style, Atkinson shares his deeply personal journey from a troubled childhood to becoming a champion of kindness. His poignant life lessons, drawn from his own experiences, offer the keys to unlocking our true potential, accepting our imperfections, and embarking on a transformative journey toward kindness and self-love.
A testament to the resilience of the human spirit, Atkinson's narrative transcends beyond religion and rituals, encouraging readers to redefine their spiritual boundaries. He successfully paints a picture of a faith that is inclusive, open, and flexible enough to foster emotional and spiritual growth.
The Secret Power of Kindness is a compelling and inspirational book that leaves a lasting impact on its readers. It prompts us to reflect upon our own fences and nudges us toward unlocking our capacity for empathy, compassion, and kindness. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to create a more caring, accepting, and loving world. In an era of division and strife, Atkinson's call for a 'kindness movement' is both refreshing and profound.

The Secret Power of Kindness is a roadmap to unlocking the 10 keys of kindness – and your power to change the world – in your own heart and life. Drawing from Christian spiritual principles and vulnerable personal stories, it takes you on a deep dive into your heart to help you become a truly kind person from the inside out.
It will show you how to:
- Recognize and overcome the common barriers to kindness and find freedom from the wounds that keep you stuck in trauma, hurt, and unforgiveness
- Cultivate the inner qualities of kindness, such as generosity, empathy, and love, and unleash your true potential for good
- Practice self-acceptance and love, which flows into a life of peace, joy, and compassion for others
- Show up with more kindness in your life and make the world a better place
With each chapter dedicated to a different key of kindness, this is an easy but profound read that will shape your character and help you unlock more kindness in the world, changing your life and the lives of everyone around you.