Gospelsick (ePUB)
Author Ryan Porter
Product Info
The gospel needs to take its rightful place in our lives as the issue we are most passionate about.
From the vantage point of living on another continent and being able to look at US Christianity more objectively, Ryan Porter identifies the Gospel deficiency in current Western Christianity - we are Gospelsick. Using his lens of medicine, he both diagnoses the church’s illness and provides the treatments needed to recover from the deficiency.
Gospel Deficiency (n.): the inhibition or minimization of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the lives of His followers (those in the church), characterized by increased fear and obsession with worldly interest, and leading to a decrease in the benefits of the world-changing gospel in us and in our proclamation of it to others.
Gospelsick: A Missionary Doctor’s Prescription for Church Revival offers a powerful prescription for revitalizing the Church in today's world. Drawing from his experiences as a medical doctor working overseas in Africa, Ryan Porter provides a fresh perspective on the state of the Church and offers practical strategies for igniting a revival of faith and passion.
Gospelsick is more than just a critique—it is a prescription for revival. Dr. Porter outlines practical steps that churches and individuals can take to foster spiritual renewal and revitalization. Honing in on issues such as discipleship, faith, mission, evangelism, and community, he provides a roadmap for reclaiming the vibrant, transformative power of the Gospel.