Creating Space (ePUB)
Authors: Bryan D. SimsCraig W. Robertson
Product Info
The church needs passionate spiritual disciples. Here’s how to form them. With Creating Space, you're invited on a transformative journey into spiritual leadership. Discover practical tools and deep insights to help you create environments where authentic discipleship can truly flourish. Move beyond traditional, program-centered ministry and start cultivating vibrant, relational, and accountable discipleship communities that can spark spiritual renewal and growth.
Why the church continues to decline in almost every metric is the great contemporary dilemma of pastors and church leaders.
One thing is certain: The root cause for the lack of impact and fruitfulness of the church is a shortage of authentic disciples of Jesus.
Growth requires discipleship—not just any form of discipleship, though, but passionate discipleship.
And passion is a function of environment.
We thrive when we fit, when we have a strong sense of belonging, purpose, and shared mission in a community. When the conditions of mission align, everything changes—instead of pulling and struggling along, we are practically propelled forward.
Creating the right environment is essential if you are hoping to thrive and multiply.
When we begin to discover environments where we can dream about our contribution to the world—when we begin to see ourselves as an essential part of God’s plan—we find
passion and energy to live a deeper sense of purpose and calling. Our work becomes meaningful, and our relationships become powerful.
With Sims and Robertson as guides, discover the transformative power of discipleship environments. Creating Space offers practical guidance on how to create environments
where disciples of Jesus can truly thrive and multiply. Drawing from decades of ministry experience, the authors explore the challenges facing the modern church and provide a
compelling vision for nurturing authentic, passionate spiritual disciples who embody the love and mission of Jesus.
The book emphasizes the importance of deep listening, accountable relationships, and intentional disciple-making environments that can ignite a movement of spiritual renewal
within churches and communities.
Through biblical wisdom, powerful narratives, and actionable tools, Creating Space equips leaders and laypeople alike to shift from maintaining programs to fostering transformative relationships.