Jesus Unbranded Bundle (Paperback)
Authors: Mike ElmsIvan Filby
Product Info
Do you ever just want to know the plain truth?
Just the facts. No sugarcoating, no beating around the bush.
That’s what the disciples wanted from Jesus. But Jesus said, you can’t handle the truth.
The problem is, the truth is often too hard to understand.
When something is difficult to understand, a story is good.
Stories are "sorta likes." How do you describe heaven? Well, it’s sorta like…
Jesus stories were sorta likes. We know them today as parables. They give us incredible insights into God’s world.
The problem is, Jesus told them using imagery that made sense to an ancient, agricultural society.
If Jesus were telling stories today, he’d use different images to share his timeless truths—people and scenes such as builders and electricians; entrepreneurs, lawyers and newspaper editors; Ferraris and Fords; sailboats and motor boats; a ski-trip and a theme park; stock market traders and hospice nurses.
Jesus Unbranded reimagines every single one of the Jesus parables as fresh, relatable stories for today’s world. They’re timeless truths, told for today, written in the punchy language of modern advertising by Mike Elms, a follower of Christ and former CEO of Ogilvy London, one of the leading advertising agencies in the world.
Grab your copy of Jesus Unbranded and experience the teachings of Jesus like never before!
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- Delivery method: Physical
- Weight: 2 lbs
- Length: 8"
- Width: 1"
- Height: 8"
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Jesus was passionate about getting his message across.
We can see his frustration as even his closest followers struggled to get it: "You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread? Do you still not understand.... How is it you don’t understand that I was not talking to you about bread?" (Matthew 16: 8,9,11)
To remedy their lack of understanding, Jesus used props and storylines drawn from everyday life. Things that were culturally relevant. Stories that true faith-seekers could understand and relate to.
This begs a question: If Jesus were telling these stories to us today, here, and now, would he not realize that we are unfamiliar with the way of life of a first-century, middle eastern agricultural society?
Of course, he would. So, surely, he would create and relate stories rooted in the 21st-century? In the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Oceania, he’d find similar cultural touchpoints, so keen is he that all grasp his message and have an opportunity to respond to his claims. He would draw upon modern-day commerce, entertainment, media, technology, sport, medicine, and social protocols, and he would use them as physical, everyday analogies and storylines to communicate his eternal, spiritual themes.
He would keep the themes and messaging of the stories unchanged. But he would wire his words into today’s world. This is the authors' purpose in writing this book: Keeping the Stories of Jesus Alive!