Scott Engle
Scott Engle is the Teaching Pastor at St. Andrew United Methodist Church, a vibrant and growing congregation of more than 8,000 in Plano, Texas, just north of Dallas. Scott has been on staff at St. Andrew nearly twenty years, teaching numerous adult Bible studies, preaching regularly, and writing a lengthy Bible study weekly. In 2019, Scott launched a successful podcast of his weekday Bible studies, which is available on all podcast platforms.
Scott is also the author of Restart: Getting Past Christian-ish, which explores the basics of the biblical story, examines the Apostles’ Creed, and tackles some hard questions of faith. Much of Scott’s written materials and links to class videos are available at www.scottengle.org.
Scott began his professional career as a USAF pilot and then spent twenty-five years leading a variety of businesses, large and small. He has also taught at Texas Christian University and the University of North Texas. Scott holds a B.A. from Louisiana Tech University, an MBA from Harvard Business School, and a Ph.D. from the University of North Texas. Scott and his wife, Patti, have been married more than twenty years and make their home in Frisco, Texas. Between them, they have three grown sons and two grandsons.