David McDonald
Dr. David McDonald is a preacher, teacher, and lecturer in colleges and seminaries all over the world. His work has been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Time Magazine. David was the first-ever post-doctoral fellowship at Portland Seminary (www.georgefox.edu), and continues to integrate spiritual truth with sharp social analysis as founder of the Fossores Chapter House training creative pastors. (www.fossoreschapterhouse.com).
Creativity is central to being human. It’s how we work with God to heal the world. As image bearers, we participate in the master strategy of reconciliation alongside the God who loves the world.
It's time to start listening to the lure of the Spirit inside of you and discover why your gifts matter.
It's time to discover why all work that brings beauty and wholeness, whether it’s decorating your house or working on old cars or learning a new language, is holy.
It's time to love who you are, align your desires with God’s, and become a fully alive human who bursts out of bed with excitement every morning, faithfully reflecting the image of the Creator through your own creative life.