Talbot Davis

Talbot Davis
Preacher, Pastor, Teacher
Talbot Davis was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. As a teenager, he was the two-time Texas state champion in tennis for boys’ 18-and-under. After graduating from high school in 1980, he attended Princeton University in Princeton, NJ, where he played varsity tennis for four years, served as team captain, and graduated with honors in English in 1984.
Talbot is a 1990 graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, KY. In 32 years of full-time United Methodist ministry in the Western North Carolina Annual Conference, he has served two appointments: Mt. Carmel-Midway (1990-1999) and Good Shepherd (1999-present). Since 1999, Good Shepherd’s average worship attendance has increased from 500 per Sunday to 2,000 per Sunday. The church is known for its modern style of worship, ethnic and racial diversity, and radical impact projects. Prior to the Come Alive series, Talbot published six works, all with Abingdon Press: Head Scratchers, The Storm Before The Calm, The Shadow Of A Doubt, Solve, Crash Test Dummies, and Simplify The Message; Multiply The Impact.
Talbot has been married to Julie since 1984 and they have two adult children.

Come Alive Conversation Guide Bundle
Matthew, Galatians & Ephesians, Proverbs, Philippians & Colossians; Ecclesiastes; and Ruth, Esther, & Jonah + Conversation Guide
The Come Alive: Conversations with Scripture series invites you deeper into the biblical story and connects the dots between how God works throughout Scripture and how He is working in your life today. Daily dialogues guide you through books of the Bible and provide cultural context and insights that bridge the gap between the world of the Bible and our world today.
Each book includes a daily reading, a daily insight, and a daily reading prompt that will help you reflect on the text and build the skills to read the Bible for yourself with more confidence and understanding. Discover a new and personal way to engage with Scripture and experience the Bible not as a distant, confusing document, but as a living, breathing conversation between God and humanity that continues to speak into our ever-changing world.
Create your own custom Come Alive Bundle here.

Come Alive: Matthew (Paperback)
Conversations with Scripture
Come Alive: Conversations with Scripture is a guide through the books of the Bible, providing cultural context and insights that bridge the gap between the world of the Bible and our world today. Each book includes a daily reading, a daily insight and a daily reading prompt that will help you reflect on the text and build the skills to read the Bible for yourself with more confidence and understanding. Discover a new and unexpected way to engage with Scripture and experience the Bible not as a distant, confusing document, but as a living, breathing conversation between God and humanity that continues to speak into our ever-changing world.
Matthew betrayed his own people for money—then was called and transformed by Jesus. This Jewish tax collector, who worked for the oppressor Romans, gives a detailed account of the life of Jesus through the lens of Jewish history and prophecy. More than any other Gospel writer, Matthew documents the actual words of Jesus and connects everything Jesus said and did to the promises about the Messiah. Through this interactive guide through the book of Matthew, you will gain a new appreciation for both Matthew’s literary genius and how he invites you into the unfolding story of God and humanity.

Come Alive: Galatians and Ephesians (Paperback)
Conversations with Scripture
Come Alive: Conversations with Scripture is a guide through the books of the Bible,
providing cultural context and insights that bridge the gap between the world of the Bible
and our world today. Each book includes a daily reading, a daily insight and a daily
reading prompt that will help you reflect on the text and build the skills to read the Bible
for yourself with more confidence and understanding. Discover a new and unexpected
way to engage with Scripture and experience the Bible not as a distant, confusing
document, but as a living, breathing conversation between God and humanity that
continues to speak into our ever-changing world.
Galatians and Ephesians
Galatians is unique among Paul’s letters in that he did not write it to a single church (like
the church at Rome or the church at Philippi) or to an individual (as with 1 and 2
Timothy) but to a collection of churches within the region of Galatia, a rugged area in
what is today southwestern Turkey.
The Galatians were a Gentile people who had come to faith in Christ from the
pagan religions that dotted the landscape of Asia Minor. As Gentiles, they were steeped
neither in the way of Moses nor in the customs of the synagogue. Their naivete toward
all things Hebrew became one of the great ironies of Paul’s letter and the occasion of its
writing. The Galatian drama involved several false teachers who had slipped into the
churches’ congregations and sown both confusion and discord as the Gentiles were
persuaded to accept Jewish legal requirements. In some of Paul’s most majestic
language he calls on the Galatians to accept the true gospel of grace.
Ephesians is written to the church in Ephesus - a singular congregation in a
cosmopolitan city. The city of Ephesus was located on the western coast of Turkey on
the Aegean Sea. You can visit the remaining ruins of the city on any excursion to that
region of the world. Like Galatia, the people in the Ephesian church were primarily
gentile. Their drama differed slightly from their neighbors’ in that it involved merging
Jews and Gentiles together within the same congregation. How could God make
something new and different out of two people so separate and distinct?
Filled with more of Paul’s lofty prose, Ephesians emphasizes the reconciliation
between Jews and Gentiles in Christ, and gives instructions for Christian living.

Come Alive: Proverbs (Paperback)
Conversations with Scripture
Each book includes a daily reading, a daily insight and a daily reading prompt that will help you reflect on the text and build the skills to read the Bible for yourself with more confidence and understanding. Discover a new and unexpected way to engage with Scripture and experience the Bible not as a distant, confusing document, but as a living, breathing conversation between God and humanity that continues to speak into our ever-changing world.
This volume deals with the unexpected gems found in the well-known book of Proverbs.

Come Alive: Philippians & Colossians (Paperback)
Conversations with Scripture
Philippians and Colossians: on the surface, they are nice books filled with treasured platitudes for encouragement, relationships, and life.
The great temptation for modern readers is to read these books just that way: as a series of brilliant but disconnected sound bites.
But these two powerful letters are full of hidden treasures – treasures about who you are, who Jesus is, and why your identity can never be separated from His supremacy.
Set against the backdrop of the Roman world, where ideas were a dime a dozen, Come Alive: Philippians and Colossians will help you understand some of the false, competing claims that were being made about Jesus and remind you of the supreme joy of knowing Him: the Son of God and the only authority in heaven and on earth.
In these pages, you will:
- Uncover hidden treasures and see why these letters are so much more than a doctrinal statement or advice column
- Experience how Jesus exposes who we are so we can see who He really is
- Meet the quiet heroes of the early church and what they have to say about your role in the world
- Peel back the curtain on the lives of the first followers of Christ as they were working out the story of Jesus and the reality of their faith in real-time
Come Alive: Philippians and Colossians will invite you into the real-life drama and humanity of the early church and help you see how your story and Jesus’s story intersect today.

Come Alive: Ecclesiastes (Paperback)
Conversations with Scripture
What do you do when life hasn’t worked out like you thought it would?
Why do pleasure and privilege – the things we think should make us happy – so often come up empty?
Does life have meaning or is it a random accident, where contentment eludes us and we all meet the same fate?
Ecclesiastes is an unexpected piece of Scripture that asks these questions with beautiful, brutal honesty and gives us permission to wrestle with our own existence – without prescribing easy answers or requiring that we arrive at an “approved” conclusion.
Like a great song or piece of art, Ecclesiastes speaks to the range of human experience and emotion, reminds us we’re not alone, and proves that wisdom can be found even in the darkest of places.
Come Alive: Ecclesiastes will help you navigate this poetic, perplexing, and profound
book so you can:
- See beyond your Western “how to” lens and approach Ecclesiastes like the work of art it is
- Stop asking, “What am I supposed to do?” and start asking, “How do I feel?” when reading Scripture
- Identify where Solomon’s musings reflect distorted thinking and where they reveal truth about God
- Experience God as caring and empathetic, even in our struggles
The fact that God inspired a book written in the middle of depression and despair reveals His great love for us: He is secure enough for our questions and compassionately meets us in our pain.
Ultimately, Ecclesiastes leaves us with hope that there is a purpose to every season, that life has meaning beyond our passions and attachments, and that everything is made beautiful in its time.

Come Alive: Ruth, Esther, & Jonah (Paperback)
Conversations with Scripture
Ruth, Esther, and Jonah are some of our most loved Bible stories – the tales of many childhoods, the content of Sunday School felt boards.
But there is more to these famous Bible stories than meets the eye. When read through a grown-up lens, we discover they’re far grittier, wittier, and wiser than expected.
Come Alive: Ruth, Esther, and Jonah will help you uncover what is really happening in these stories – the real, the raw, and the at times shocking details – and their significance in the larger narrative of Scripture. You will see that:
- Ruth is not an ancient romance novel.
- Esther isn’t a sweet story about kings and queens.
- Jonah is a lot more than a big fish story.
And because of this, they have much to say about the subtle, redemptive ways God intersects with our lives today.
Beloved by the people of Israel long before they were beloved by us, these cultural stories hold deep theological truths about God at work behind the scenes in the lives of ordinary people and less-than-ideal circumstances – revealing His all-encompassing love for humanity and His goodness, even when we feel powerless, forgotten, or hopeless.
The entertaining and expert storytelling in these books is an invitation to set aside the temptation to read the Bible as a “how to” book and start reading it literarily, with all its drama, humor, and brilliance. When you do, you will find universal truths and timeless nuggets of wisdom that help you perceive God in the hidden places and live with more hope in the face of tragedy, injustice, and failure.