Lori Beth Wagner

Lori Beth Wagner is author of academic articles and reviews, published poetry, over 400 published sermons, The Story Lectionary (in print and online since 2015), and co-author of the novel, The Seraph Seal. She has also ghostwritten books for several prominent Christian authors. Slant is her first Christian non-fiction book. Lori has a passion for the scriptures, particularly the Hebrew scriptures with their power and potential for resonance and restoration, and a love of all that makes us uniquely human. Her work, both fiction and non-fiction, strives to delve into our deepest thoughts and feelings about ourselves, God, and each other, in order to deliver insights that can move and heal. Using a spiritual/psychological approach, she helps us to see things about ourselves that we have kept safely hidden. Her current projects include a non-fiction book called 10 Fairytales of the Church, several submitted short stories, and a psychological suspense novel in progress, The Lucifer Complex. Lori is a former pastor and professor of German and English and current author, entrepreneur, editor, workshop leader, and ghostwriter.