Karen Bartlett

Karen Bartlett resides in Wichita, Kansas. She is married to Rick Bartlett and has two young adult children, Grace and Tobias. Her passion for learning has resulted in obtaining the following: Licensed Master of Social Work, Masters Certificate in Theology, M.Ed in Neuroscience and Trauma, and a certificate in Spiritual Direction. Karen currently works as a school social worker during the day and as a spiritual director in the evenings. She feels honored to work with spiritual directees who have experienced trauma, and has witnessed healing and wholeness through creating sacred space to explore the intersection of spirituality and trauma. Karen believes the holistic approach of mind, body, and spirit is essential in spiritual formation and trauma healing.
Continuous learning, being outdoors, running, cycling, working out, and meeting up for coffee bring her life and energy. Having lived in the UK for seven years and traveling through many different countries over the course of her life, she has been privileged to see breath-taking scenes throughout the world - be that a quaint village in England, the old city of Antioch, the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, the beautiful islands of Greece, the wineries in Spain, the coffee plants in Columbia, the sunsets in Costa Rica, or numerous other places of beauty. However, the people and their stories are what always create the memories for her in any given location. The world is a wonderful, amazing, and holy place that hosts God’s presence in people and nature, and Karen looks forward to continuing her exploration of places yet unknown to her and meeting more inspiring people on her travels.