Peter Bellini

Dr. Bellini is Professor of Church Renewal and Evangelization in the Heisel Chair at United Theological Seminary. Dr. B., as his students call him, is an interdisciplinary
theologian, researching, writing, teaching at the intersection of theology, philosophy, and the science. He teaches courses in Church Renewal, Evangelization, Global Charismatic Studies, Interreligious and Intercultural Encounter, Urban Studies, Philosophy, and Pastoral Care and Counseling. His foci in Church Renewal are the person and work of the Holy Spirit. His main interest in evangelization is power evangelism (deliverance and healing) and discipleship.
As an interdisciplinary theologian, his interests are in Trinitarian theology and applied pneumatology in practical areas, such as holiness, prayer, healing and mental health,
deliverance, discipleship, and leadership development. These themes are also informed by secondary work in participatory ontology and epistemology, neurophilosophy, the social and behavioral sciences, theoretical physics, and cognitive neuroscience. Dr. Bellini also researches and writes in the theology, history, and practices of renewal movements, specifically early Methodism, the Holiness movement, the Pentecostal- Charismatic movement and the current Global Renewalist movement.
Rev. Dr. Peter J. Bellini is an ordained Elder in the Allegheny West Conference of the GlobalMethodist Church and has served in ministry for over 37 years. He has been a
leader in every facet of ministry, including new church starts, church turnarounds, mergers, local church renewal, prison and campus ministry, revivals, conferences, deliverance ministry, discipleship and leadership training, inner city and global missions and several marketplace ministries. He has taught and ministered in countries throughout Latin America, Africa, East and Southeast Asia, Europe, and North America. Dr. Bellini teaches on the Holy Spirit and related topics, such as holiness, healing, prayer, hearing God, discipleship, mental health, pastoral care and counseling, revivalism, Wesleyan Holiness- Pentecostal-Charismatic movements the power of God, spiritual warfare, and
deliverance. Above all Dr. Bellini is a revivalist and ministers in revivals throughout the year. As a revivalist he ministers in the fivefold gifts, specializing in prophetic intercession, deliverance, and healing. Dr. Bellini is one of the foremost authorities on deliverance and exorcism.
Pete is married to Mariuccia Bellini. They have two adult children Pietro Aaronne and Paola Arianna. They have a granddaughter Costanza. In his free time, Pete is a recreational heavyweight boxer and a powerlifter. He also runs a boxing club ministry. Dr. Bellini is a heavyweight boxing historian and avid Roberto Clemente aficionado. Known as Dr. B (with students), Pete (friends), or Petey (friends and family).