njoy new ideas from Invite Press authors and content contributors. We post new articles every week on a variety of topics related to life in the New Creation. Contact us if you have any questions, have an article to share, want to learn more about a subject, or just want to share a thought!

Combine Two Things | Len's Lightbulbs

Combine Two Things | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
The secret is not to have a passion. It’s to have two passions. ... read more
That’s Good News! Evangelism in the Mania

That’s Good News! Evangelism in the Mania

by Shane Bishop
Everyone seems to be radiating at high frequencies these days. ... read more
You Have a Creative Vision Already--It Just May Not Be a Positive One | Len's Lightbulbs

You Have a Creative Vision Already--It Just May Not Be a Positive One | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
The last person born in the nineteenth century died in 2017. This blows my mind. To think: ... read more
Cave Time in Southwest Florida after Hurricane Ian

Cave Time in Southwest Florida after Hurricane Ian

by Jorge Acevedo
On Wednesday, September 28, 2022, Hurricane Ian, considered by many to be the most destructive hurricanes in more than 90 years, made... read more
The 4 Types of Non-Fiction Books and How to Write for Each | Len's Lightbulbs

The 4 Types of Non-Fiction Books and How to Write for Each | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
One of the most helpful conversations I have with writers is the one where I describe industry categories. It’s vital to understand to... read more
Preventology in Proverbs: The Road Best Taken

Preventology in Proverbs: The Road Best Taken

by Talbot Davis
Have you ever gotten in something and discovered that it was almost impossible to get out? For example, ever been stuck in quicksand? Car... read more
Knowledge vs. Wisdom | Len's Lightbulbs

Knowledge vs. Wisdom | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
“But we impart a secret and hidden wisdom of God, which God decreed before the ages for our glory.” – 1 Corinthians 2:7 ... read more
Stop Worrying about Making It Look Perfect | Len's Lightbulbs

Stop Worrying about Making It Look Perfect | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
Has someone ever asked you how you are doing, not just as a glorified “hello” but in true interest, and you don’t even know where to... read more
Comfort and Joy: Timely Advent Devotions

Comfort and Joy: Timely Advent Devotions

by Julie Yarbrough
Advent is the period in the Christian calendar that culminates in the celebration of the birth of Christ on the day we call Christmas.... read more
Not Just a Plan--God Has a Creative Calling for You | Len's Lightbulbs

Not Just a Plan--God Has a Creative Calling for You | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
If I talk to Christians about creativity and calling, it inevitably comes back to this question: what is God’s will for my life? ... read more
How King Charles Can Teach Christians about the Kingdom of God

How King Charles Can Teach Christians about the Kingdom of God

by Len Wilson
As I write this, the Union Flag and all other official flags of the United Kingdom are flying at half mast in honor of the death of Queen... read more
You Have Two Choices: Lead Up or Complain Down | Len's Lightbulbs

You Have Two Choices: Lead Up or Complain Down | Len's Lightbulbs

by Len Wilson
Something going wrong at work? You have 2 options: lead up or complain down. ... read more
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